Helping Your Pet To Live A Healthier LifeHelping Your Pet To Live A Healthier Life

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Helping Your Pet To Live A Healthier Life

How happy of a life is your pet living? If you are like most people, you might assume that they are healthy and happy, when the fact of the matter is a lot can go wrong with your canine's health. I started thinking more seriously about my pet's health a few years ago after they endured a serious medical condition, and it was really great to see how much better they acted with proper veterinary care. Check out this website for awesome advice about taking care of your pets each and every day. Check out this blog for great advice on how to improve your animal's life.



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Keep Your Dog Safe This Summer

Most people don't worry so much about their pets during the summer. Unlike winter with its chilly weather and the snow and ice that can irritate your dog's paws, summer is the season of play. Your pup can spend hours outdoors enjoying the sunshine. However, it's still important to keep safety in mind as the temperatures turn warmer. Here are some simple safety tips that can help your dog stay happy and healthy. 

1. Remember the water.

In the summer with the increased activity and the heat, dehydration and heat stroke are real possibilities for humans and dogs. If you're going to be spending the day at the park, the beach, or on the trails with your dog, pack enough water for both of you and take frequent stops to rest and rehydrate. If you notice your dog is starting to lose energy, pant excessively, or have delayed responses, take them to the a veterinary clinic, as these are signs of more serious dehydration. 

2. Check for fleas and ticks. 

It's bug season when the weather gets warmer. If your dog isn't already on preventative flea medication, make sure you start the prescription as soon as possible. After going out into nature or even just to watch a sporting event where your dog rests under the bleachers, check your dog's coat for ticks. Ticks can carry diseases and they could move from your dog to other members of the family. Dogs can get Lyme disease from ticks just like people can, so you can never be too careful about tick prevention and proper grooming. 

3. Keep a dog safety vest in your car.

If you'll be spending any time out in the wilderness hiking, doing high adventure activities, or camping, you should bring a bright colored vest for your dog to wear on the trail. Not only does the vest alert others to the presence of your dog, but it makes your pet easier to spot. It also can help in areas that open for hunting to protect your dog from being mistaken for another wild animal. 

4. Prep your dog for trips and time on the road. 

Finally, summer is a time for vacations and road trips. Some dogs live for adventure, but others can feel anxious with lots of comings and goings. You might consider leaving your dog at a boarding facility if they struggle with poor behavior or other anxieties as a result of frequent changes to routine. If you are going on a long road trip, build up to it by taking shorter trips with your dog in the weeks leading up to departure.